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Women in Mining

Networking lunch: How to attract talents to the mining sector - and how to make them thrive

Wednesday, May 29, 12:oo-13:oo (entrance from 11:30) Conference room "Målvakten" 4th floor

What is key to attract talents to industry related educations at universities? And how do we make sure they end up in the mining industry? Unlocking the full potential of the mining sector requires a strategic approach to talent acquisition and retention. How do we captivate the brightest minds within university corridors and guide them towards a fulfilling career in mining?

At this networking lunch seminar, we focus on factors of success when creating attractive career opportunities. You will get to share your story and participate in round-table discussions. This seminar requires active participation; therefore a short questionnaire will be distributed in advance.

You are invited to participate. This networking lunch is for women - and men.

Register here >>

Note that you also need to have a ticket to Euro Mine Expo. Buy your ticket here or in the entrance to the event. 


Saeed Chelgani
Director Swedish School of Mines, Luleå

Lotta Jakobsson
Director of Luleå Transformation SSAB. 
Lotta Jakobsson was appointed Årets Fe in March 2024 - an award to highlight role models in the steel and mining industries

Cecilia Sundell Hedblad
Department Manager Sustainability at Boliden Rönnskär

Emma Härdmark
Director Communications, Svemin