Vaisala Oyj Exhibitor
We give the world the means to measure what matters. In practice, we offer our customers the measurement equipment and data - instruments and intelligence - they need to know exactly what is happening in their respective environments. Our clients vary from governments and tech giants to individual developers, but they all have one thing in common. They are constantly looking for ways to innovate, reinvent and optimize.Vaisala’s Weather and Environment business area is a partner to customers whose primary interest is the safety of people, protection of property, and efficiency of operations through reliable measurements and decision-making support under any environmental conditions.
Exhibitor category
Electrical Infrastructure & Automation
Contact information
Vanha Nurmijärventie 21
01670 Vantaa
Erik Sucksdorff Exhibitor
Head or Energy, Urban and Industry
Vaisala Oyj
Kimmo Kangas Exhibitor
Sales manager
Vaisala Oyj